There are things I can change and those that I can’t. Dear God, please give me the wisdom to tell the difference and strength to accept it.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Don’t live your life with angerDon’t live your life with anger and hate in your heart because you’ll be hurting yourself more than the person you hate!
Wise How you made them FeelNobody will ever remember how you look, how are Speak, what you did or anything else. But the only thing they would remember is how you made them Feel.
Wise SMILE Because it makes youSMILE Because it makes you attractive, It changes your mood, It relieves stress, And it helps you stay positive.
Wise Not all fingers are the sameNot all fingers are the same length, But when they bend all stand equal. Thus life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to all situations!
Wise No one can destroy ironNo one can destroy iron, but it’s own rust can. Likewise, no one can destroy a person but one’s own mind set can!
Wise Your mind will push your thoughtsYour mind will push your thoughts, your thoughts will push your actions, while your actions will push your life.