Q: Which type of Women wear Revealing Clothes? A: Those who don’t have Confidence in the Imaginative powers of Men!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny BBM and Whatsapp have beenBBM and Whatsapp have been ranked second and third for chat and gossip. However, women still continue to retain the first position!
Funny If couples who are in loveIf couples who are in love are called ‘Love Birds’, Then couples who always argue, should be called ‘Angry Birds’.
Funny Alcohol contain female hormonesAlcohol contain female hormones. Proof: Men gain weight, talk unnecessarily, become extra emotional and stupid, start fighting without any reason.
Funny How do you identify a true musicHow do you identify a true music lover? A man when hears a woman singing in the bathroom, puts his ear to the keyhole instead of his eye!
Funny If ever in your lifeIf ever in your life you are very sad and feel that you have lost everything, I’ll come, hold your hand, take you for walk on a bridge and show you where to jump from.
Funny Vodka is made from potatoes1. Vodka is made from potatoes. 2. Potatoes are vegetables. 3. Vegetables are good for health. Need I say more!