The woman who invented the phrase, All guys are the same, must have been a Chinese who lost her husband at a crowded place in China.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Cow dung is HolyGender Discrimination, Cow dung is Holy, While Bull Shit is not. And female think we don’t respect them.
Funny A scientist went to a drug storeA scientist went to a drug store and asks the pharmacist, Do you have any Acetylsalicylic Acid? You mean aspirin? asked the pharmacist. That’s it. I can never remember that word.
Funny What would confuseWhat would confuse a mentally challenged person? Answer: A pineapple. Confused…? I knew you would be!
Funny When one door closesWhen one door closes, another door opens. That’s when you realize that . .. … you bought a really bad second hand car!
Funny So always Brush your TeethDream makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work, love makes everything beautiful, Smile makes all the above… So always Brush your Teeth
Funny A crossword puzzle addict diedDid you hear about the crossword puzzle addict who died and was buried six feet down and three feet across!