People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them. Good night!Good Night Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageGood Night SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Good Night Night is longer than day for thoseNight is longer than day for those who dream, And day is longer than night for those who make their dreams come true. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Good Night Good Night RestaurantWelcome To Good Night Restaurant, Menu: Soft Pillow, Warm Blanket, Clean Bedsheets, Sweet Dreams, Sound Sleep, Have a great visit. Good Night!
Good Night Never apply terms and conditionsNever apply terms and conditions in your relations, otherwise that relationship will convert in to contract. Good Night!
Good Night Stop focussing on whatStop focussing on what you have not reached. Focus on what you have already accomplished. Good night!
Good Night Love doesn’t start in the morningLove doesn’t start in the morning and doesn’t end in the evening. It starts when you don’t need it and it ends when you need it the most! Good Night!
Good Night Non-stop working is harmfulNon-stop working is harmful to physical and health. That’s why God made nights for rest and rejuvenation. May God bless you with a peaceful sleep for an energised morning!