Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either, just leave me alone.Insult Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageInsult SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Insult Whenever someone calls me uglyWhenever someone calls me ugly, I get super sad and hug them, Because I know how hard life must be for the visually impaired.
Insult I get 20 times more girls than youSome idiot in a nightclub came up to me and said, I get 20 times more girls than you do, haha. I replied, 20 x 0 = 0!
Insult Have you ever noticed thatHave you ever noticed that a lot of celebrities were pretty ugly as teenagers? This only means that one day, You are going to be pretty famous!
Insult Your teeth are like the starsBoy: Your teeth are like the stars. Girl: Awww.Thanks, are they that much pretty? Boy: No, far away from each other!
Insult Someday you may lose your hairSomeday you may lose your hair, you may lose your teeth, your money and even lose your mind. But one thing you’ll never loose is your good looks because you can’t lose what you don’t have.
Insult If a man says You are uglyIf a man says You are ugly, he’s being mean, If a woman says You are ugly, she’s envious, If a little kid says You are ugly, You are ugly!