Your words are Antibiotic, Your smile is Analgesic, Your touch is Anti-inflammatory, Your presence is Antiseptic, And your messages are Antipyretic. That’s why I never fall ill but I have fallen in love with you!
I don’t care how many lips you have kissed, how many shoulders you have embraced and how many times you have said, I love You! All I care is not be the first but to be your last!
Let love be the guide to your dreams, let love be the light to your heart, let your love be the reason why somebody else’s heart still continues to beat.
You want and you get, that’s luck, you want and you wait, that’s time. you want but you compromise, that’s life. And you want and you wait and you don’t compromise that’s LOVE.
Holding your hands, feeling the warmth of our togetherness, sharing sweet secrets of love. Sweetheart, every moment with you seems like an everlasting dream. I love you!