I believe trust is the very key in a relationship, because if you don’t trust your girlfriend, how could you be sure she won’t tell your wife?Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage Marriage Age 18Marriage Age 18. Drinking Age 25. Can someone ask the damn politicians how to survive the first 7 years of Marriage?
Marriage Divorce and legal separationWhat’s the difference between divorce and legal separation? In legal separation, the husband gets time to hide his money!
Marriage True friends stand behind youTrue friends stand behind you during your bad times. Do you want a proof? Check out your marriage album. you will find that all your friends standing behind you
Marriage Is there any way for long lifeMan: Is there any way for long life? Dr: Get married. Man: Will it help? Dr: No, but the thought of a long life will never come to you again!
Marriage People say marriage brings spicePeople say marriage brings spice, tears, happiness, flavour and taste to life. Personally, I believe Paani Puri does a better job.
Marriage A man’s silence can break a woman’sA man’s silence can break a woman’s heart into pieces. While a woman’s silence gives a thousand peaceful moments to a man!