I used to think that I wasn’t scared of anything until . .. … I saw my wife reversing my new car!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage Adam and Eve’s weddingAdam and Eve’s wedding. Adam: I hereby take Eve to be my LAWFUL wedded wife. EVE didn’t hear the ‘L’. . .. … Thus, the misery began and has continued ever since.
Marriage MARRIAGE is just a fancy wordMARRIAGE is just a fancy word for adopting an over-grown female child who can’t be handled by her parents anymore.
Marriage Two theories to argue with wifeTwo theories to argue with wife : 1. If she is right then be fair to her and keep quiet. 2. If she is wrong then be kind to yourself and keep quiet!
Marriage Only the wife knows how to getThe human body has over a million nerves. And only the wife knows how to get on every single one of them!
Marriage How to create the biggest doubtHow to create the biggest doubt in your wife’s mind for you? Send her an SMS out of the blue saying, Honey, I love you, too! GAME OVER!
Marriage A Happiest man is one WhoseA Happiest man is one, Whose daughter is on Femina’s cover, Son on India Today, Girlfriend on Playboy, And, Wife in the missing column of a newspaper