I miss you.
Every Moment. Every second. Every minute. Every hour. Every day. Every Week. Every Month. Every Year. Every Decade.
Every Centenary. Oh ho! I think I got carried away.
The truth is I miss you all the time!
Don’t you ever wonder why people text you but have nothing importat to say! It’s for the simple reason… you are such a nice person to think of, like the way I’m thinking of you now.
Measured by miles, You are far away, Measured by thoughts, You are close to me, Measured by closed eyes, You are with me, Measured by heart, You are always in me. But every way, I miss you!
Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between, you occupy my mind. And when I’m asleep, You are in my dreams. So, practically, You are in my thoughts for every moment of my life. But still I miss being close to you!