When something bad happens, you have three choices: 1. Let it define you 2. Let it destroy you 3. Let it strengthen youMotivational Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMotivational SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Motivational Never complain aboutNever complain about the difficulties in life, Because a Director (God) always gives the hardest roles to His best actors!
Motivational Tough times are likeTough times are like physical exercise – you may not like it while you are doing it, But tomorrow you’ll emerge stronger because of it!
Motivational One of the hardest decisionsOne of the hardest decisions you’ll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder!
Motivational Stop believing it is impossibleAnything is possible when you stop believing it is impossible. Life doesn’t provide warranties and guarantees, it provides possibilities and opportunities for those who dare to make the best use of it!
Motivational Tiny seed needs to be droppedEven a tiny seed needs to be dropped in dirt in order to grow. It fights and struggles to reach the light while being covered in darkness!
Motivational Dreams do come trueDreams do come true… if only one wishes hard enough. One can have anything in life if one is willing to sacrifice everything else for it!