Good Morning 3 enemies of personal peace3 enemies of personal peace: Regret over yesterday’s mistakes, Anxiety over tomorrow’s problems, And ingratitude for today’s blessings. Good Morning!
Funny 3 Apples changed the world3 Apples changed the world: 1st one seduced Eve, 2nd awakened Newton and the 3rd one Apple iphone.
Friendship A friend like you makes a life24 hours make a day, 7 days make a week, 4 weeks make a month, 12 months make a year, But a friend like you makes a life!
Funny 2 friends met after a long time2 friends met after a long time. 1st: Who are you working for? 2nd: Same people – my wife and 2 kids!
Life 100% hard hitting fact of Life100% hard hitting fact of Life: If you earn your bread well, there will always be people around you to apply butter!
Funny Vodka is made from potatoes1. Vodka is made from potatoes. 2. Potatoes are vegetables. 3. Vegetables are good for health. Need I say more!
Friendship 1 Friend like you is enough to live a life1 stone is enough to break a glass, 1 moment is enough to fall in love and 1 Friend like you is enough to live a life.
Friendship For the health of our Friendship1 Injection of trust, 1 Tablet of care, 1 Syrup of attention, 1 Drip of understanding, Take 3 times a day. It’s all necessary for the health of our Friendship!
Friendship We will always be Good Friends1 Advice- Don’t change, 1 Request- Take care, 1 Wish- Don’t forget me, 1 Lie- I Hate U, 1 Truth- I Miss U, 1 Hope- We will always be Good Friends.
Funny Only two types of communicationsOnly two types of communications are the fastest in the world . .. … From email to email, And female to female.