Never trust the ‘doubted ones’ and never doubt the ‘trusted ones’. You have ‘real eyes’ to ‘realise’ the ‘real-lies’.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise You are travelling on a wrong pathIn a day, when you can’t come across problems, you can be sure you are travelling on a wrong path.
Wise Three ways to improve oneselfThree ways to improve oneself: 1. Kill the tension before it Kills you. 2. Reach your goal before someone Kicks you. 3. Live life before it Leaves you.
Wise Where there is a struggleWhere there is a struggle, there is a story, Where there is belief, there are miracles, And where there is truth, there is victory!
Wise If you don’t hearIf you don’t hear it with your own ears or see it with your own eyes. Don’t invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.
Wise Knowing when to walk awayKnowing when to walk away is wisdom, Being able to walk is courage, Walking away with your head held high is dignity!
Wise Sometimes we put wallsSometimes we put walls around our heart, not just to be safe from getting hurt, but to find out who cares enough to break the walls and get closer.