What’s the difference between your and my smile? You smile when you are happy and I smile when you are happy.Flirt Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFlirt SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Flirt It’s time for me to make aIt’s time for me to make a wish for you…… (wishin) …… (wishin) ….. done ! Do you know what I asked for? I asked God to make you happy all day long.
Flirt Let’s be friendsBoys use the word ‘friendship’ to start love, But girls use the word ‘friendship’ to end love. Let’s be friends!
Flirt I wish you were mineI wish you knew how much I like you. How much I love talking to you and how much I wish you were mine.
Flirt Touch my heart and you will feelTouch my heart and you will feel, Listen to my heart and you will hear, Look into my heart and you will see, That you will always be a special part of me.
Flirt God determines who walks intoGod determines who walks into your life. You decide who stays and who walks out. Send this to people you never want to lose, I just did…
Flirt Call me a flirt, call me a fakeCall me a flirt, call me a fake, That’s just me so give me a break, Call me weird, call me a geek, Call me what you want, I’m just unique!