Your words are Antibiotics, your smile is Analgesic, your touch is Anti-Inflammatory, your presence is Antiseptic and your mesage is Anti-Pyretic that’s why I never fall ill
As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer. Look into my eyes and you will see that it’s true, Day and night my thoughts are of you.
If you find your world as a sky and your friends as STARS, and if you don’t find me among them, dont worrry! I’ve just been fallen to make your wish come true.
As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer. Look into my eyes and you will see that it’s true, Day and night my thoughts are of you.
If you find your world as a sky and your friends as STARS, and if you don’t find me among them, dont worrry! I’ve just been fallen to make your wish come true.
As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in your arms, I can’t wait any longer. Look into my eyes and you will see that it’s true, Day and night my thoughts are of you.