Good relationship is like a tree. It demands attention and care in the beginning. But once it blossoms, it provides shade and protecting in all situations of Life
You are as cool as Vodka, as hard as Tequila, as warm as Cognac, as exotic as Malibu, as mixed as cocktail and as special as Champagne. Cheers to our friendship.
The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time because when you give someone your time, you have given them a portion of your life that you will never get back.
My friends are very special because they’re funny, friendly, crazy, nuts, mental, daft, kind and caring. But most of all, they are all the more special because they’re mine!
I’m so happy. Do you know why? because I’m so lucky. Do you know why? because God loves me. Do you know how? because he gave me a wonderful gift. Do you know what? It’s you, my dear friend!