Today we are together, tomorrow we may be apart, But time spent together shall always be in my heart. I cherish our friendship!Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship Friendship is the HEART of LifeBirth is the START of Life, Beauty is the ART of Life, Love is the PART of Life, Death is the LAST of Life, But Friendship is the HEART of Life!
Friendship Friendship is all about three thingsFriendship is all about three things -winning, losing and sharing. Winning your friends heart, losing your self ego, and sharing joys and sorrows.
Friendship Friendship is: A bond of loveFriendship is: A bond of love, A medal of trust, A shoulder in sadness, A hand in darkness, Something that doesn’t cost, And a jewel never to be lost.
Friendship Friendship opens many doorsFriendship opens many doors, Each with a different view. But none could be more beautiful, than the one that leads to you..!!
Friendship If I could pull down the rainbowIf I could pull down the rainbow I would write your name and put it in the sky to let everybody know how colourful is my life with a FRIEND like you!
Friendship You are my ‘FRIEND’If you are a Chocolate, You are the sweetest, If you are a Teddy-Bear, You are the most huggable, If you are a Star, You are the Brightest, But since you are my ‘FRIEND’, You are all of the above!