L: Love I: Imagination F: Friend E: Entertainment LIFE will become a ‘LIE’ if there is no ‘F’ of Friend.Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship Why is a group of friends calledWhy is a group of friends called a friend circle? Because A square has 4 ends A triangle has 3 ends A line has 2 ends But a circle has no end!
Friendship A friendship is sweet whenA friendship is sweet when it’s new but it is sweeter when it’s true! But you know what? It’s the sweetest when the friend is you.
Friendship Friends are like puzzle piecesFriends are like puzzle pieces. If one piece is lost, it can never be replaced, And that puzzle will never get completed!
Friendship Friendship is an onionFriendship is an onion. It has many layers in it. Adds taste to your life, but if you try to cut it you will get nothing but tears!
Friendship The two best thingsThe two best things that can happen to you: When your family understands you as a friend. An when your friends support you as a family.
Friendship We need three things in lifeWe need three things in life. Love – to make us weak. Alcohol – to make us strong. Friends – to pick us up when both these things make us hit the floor.