Friends may be old, Friends may be new, Real friends are very few. So whenever you are feeling lonely, Remember someone somewhere is thinking of you!Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship We meet 3 types of friendsWe meet 3 types of friends in our lifetime: 1. Friends for a reason 2. Friends for a season 3. Friends for a lifetime
Friendship I would really miss youI want you to know that your friendship mean’s alot to me. If we were on a sinking boat and there’s only 1 lifejacket… I would really miss you.
Friendship Special relations are hard to findSpecial relations are hard to find. They are rare and one of a kind. I don’t care if I have few, I’m damn proud that I have the best and that includes you.
Friendship To hear what is unspokenTo hear what is unspoken, to see what is invisible, to feel without even touching… is the miracle called friendship
Friendship The day your friends stop bringingThe day your friends stop bringing their problems to you is the day you have lost your best place in their hearts!
Friendship Our friendship has becomeOur friendship has become more of a HABIT. Even if you take out H-A BIT remains, Take out A-BIT remains, Finally, take out B-IT remains!