The size of our problems is nothing as compared to our ability to solve them but we over-estimate the problems and under-estimate our ability. Good Morning!
We always work for a better tomorrow, But when tomorrow comes, Instead of enjoying, We again think of a better tomorrow, Let’s have a better today. Good Morning!
Coffee never knew it would taste so nice and sweet, before it met milk and sugar. We are good as individuals but become better when we meet and blend with the right people. Good Morning!
Morning doesn’t mean getting up and working again. It rather means that the God loves you so much that he lets you live another day to do more of the good things. Good Morning!
Flowers blossom in a forest even when there is no one to admire their beauty. Let’s continue our good work honestly even when nobody appreciates us. Good Morning!
The size of our problems is nothing as compared to our ability to solve them but we over-estimate the problems and under-estimate our ability. Good Morning!
We always work for a better tomorrow, But when tomorrow comes, Instead of enjoying, We again think of a better tomorrow, Let’s have a better today. Good Morning!
Coffee never knew it would taste so nice and sweet, before it met milk and sugar. We are good as individuals but become better when we meet and blend with the right people. Good Morning!
Morning doesn’t mean getting up and working again. It rather means that the God loves you so much that he lets you live another day to do more of the good things. Good Morning!
Flowers blossom in a forest even when there is no one to admire their beauty. Let’s continue our good work honestly even when nobody appreciates us. Good Morning!
The size of our problems is nothing as compared to our ability to solve them but we over-estimate the problems and under-estimate our ability. Good Morning!