Hello! My name is Night. I came here to kidnap your stress, Kill your strain. My weapon is deep sleep and my path is Sweet Dream. So please kindly co-operate and handover yourself! Good Night, Sweet Dreams!Good Night Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageGood Night SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Good Night There are over seven billion peopleThere are over seven billion people on earth. And You are going to let one person ruin your day? Don’t! Good Night!
Good Night Sleep Tight and Good NightBe with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you. Sweet Dreams, Sleep Tight and Good Night!
Good Night Have the sweetest dream tonightDream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you’ll have the sweetest dream tonight. Good Night!
Good Night Never apply terms and conditionsNever apply terms and conditions in your relations, otherwise that relationship will convert in to contract. Good Night!
Good Night Just because you can’t see the airJust because you can’t see the air doesn’t mean you stop Breathing, And just because you can’t see God doesn’t mean you stop Believing! Good night!
Good Night Be close to that personBe close to that person who makes you happy but be closer to that person who can’t be happy without you. Good night!