The human brain is the most outstanding thing. It functions 24 hrs and 365 days. It functions right from the time you were born until you fall in love.Love Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageLove SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Love What you had yesterday isWhat you had yesterday is only memories. What you will have tomorrow is your dreams. What you will do today, let it be love.
Love You only fall in love onceEveryone says you only fall in love once but that’s wrong, everytime I see your smile I fall in love all over again. love You!
Love When I look at youWhen I look at you, I cannot deny the existence of God, Because only God could have created someone as wonderful and beautiful as you!
Love Loving someone doesn’t needLoving someone doesn’t need a reason.If you can explain why you love someone it’s called ‘Like’ and if you can’t explain it’s simply called ‘Love’.
Love If I had to chooseIf I had to choose to have anything that I’ve wanted in this world or to have just you, I would choose you because You are everything I’ll ever want.
Love Love me but leave me notLove me but leave me not. Kiss me but miss me not. Hit me but hate me not. Remember me but forget me not.