It’s funny how big of an impact you have on me. It’s like when I see you, you don’t even have to speak all you can do is smile and it can make my day and that’s how I remember my reasons for loving you.
Find arms that’ll hold you at your weakest, Eyes that will see you at your ugliest, Heart that will love you at your worst. And if you have found it, You have found true love!
Sometimes the world gives me so many reasons to hate it but whenever it happens I just stop and think of you and say: How can I hate this world when you are a part of it
Once a five year old asked her big brother, What is love? He replied, Love is when you steal my chocolate from my school pack everyday, and I still keep it in the same place!
Last night, thinking of you, one tear rolled out. I asked, why are you out? Tear said, there is someone so beautiful in your eyes, now there is no place for me.