I am neither that sweet that you get diabetes,
Nor am I that salty that you get High BP,
I am even not that tasty that you get joy,
But I am not that sour even that you don’t even remember me.
Missing you babe!
God must be partial to have endowed a single soul with so much beauty, grace, panche, elgance and allure. If I ever have the luxury of dreaming of you, I bet I’ll be afraid of waking up because I wouldn’t want to lose You!
Relationship is like a Violin, music may stop now and then, but strings are attached forever. So if you be in touch or not, you are always remembered. Miss You!
Whenever I miss you, I won’t look for you in my dreams or try to hear your voice in your messages I’ll just put my right hand across my chest and will feel You!
My eyes are hurting because I can’t see you, My arms are empty because I can’t hold you, My lips are cold because I can’t kiss you, And my heart is breaking because I m not with you.