In times of difficulties don’t say, God, I have a big problem! Instead say, Hey problem, I have a big God!Motivational Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMotivational SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Motivational Tiny seed needs to be droppedEven a tiny seed needs to be dropped in dirt in order to grow. It fights and struggles to reach the light while being covered in darkness!
Motivational Why bad things happen to good peopleIf you ever wonder why bad things happen to good people, it’s because God knows they’re capable of handling it.
Motivational You’ll win where others failBelieve – Where others Doubt, Work – Where others Refuse, Save – Where others Waste, Stay – Where others Quit, And you’ll win where others fail!
Motivational God upsets our planGod upsets our plan only to set up His own plan, Because we see our present and plan our future, But He sees our future and plans our present!
Motivational Never complain aboutNever complain about the difficulties in life, Because a Director (God) always gives the hardest roles to His best actors!
Motivational Tough times are likeTough times are like physical exercise – you may not like it while you are doing it, But tomorrow you’ll emerge stronger because of it!