A Good Song means 5 minutes Happiness, A Good Movie Means 3 hourss Happiness, A Good College Means 3 Years Happiness, But a Good Relationship means Life Time Happiness!Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise God has given us brain to storeGod has given us brain to store good things in its hard disk , leave no space for junk or bad viruses!
Wise Rich people stay richRich people stay rich by living like they’re broke, Broke people stay broke by living like they’re rich!
Wise Achievers never exposeA lamp doesn’t speak, it simply introduces itself through its light. Achievers never expose themselves but their achievements speak for them!
Wise Possibility or impossibilityPossibility or impossibility does not depend on the size of our belief. Have belief to make everything possible.
Wise ANGER or EGO can drain allEven a big pot full of water can be emptied by a small hole. Similarly, a little ANGER or EGO can drain all the nobility of a good heart!
Wise Try is a small word thatTry is a small word that makes a lot of difference. If we try, we only risk failure. But if we don’t even try we ensure it.