If someone feels that they have never made mistake in their life, it means they never tried new things in their life.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Thoughts of possessivenessThoughts of possessiveness come when there is fear of losing the loved one! It’s not because they don’t believe you, it’s because they don’t have faith on others who might take advantage of your sweetness.
Wise Love yourself firstLove yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
Wise No one can destroy ironNo one can destroy iron, but it’s own rust can. Likewise, no one can destroy a person but one’s own mind set can!
Wise The happiness of our life dependsThe happiness of our life depends upon the quality of our thoughts. But the quality of our thoughts depends on the people one has in one’s life!
Wise Raise the level of your wordsRaise the level of your words but not the voice. For it is the rain that grows flowers and not the thunder!
Wise God is an invisible parentGod is an invisible parent, and parents are the visible God. If you make the visible God happy, automatically the invisible God becomes happy.