An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming!Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Don’t complain about othersDon’t complain about others, Just change yourself. Because it’s easy to protect your feet with slippers rather than carpeting the whole earth.
Wise Good things happen only to othersWe always feel that good things happen only to others, but we always forget that we are others for someone else!
Wise As you go through lifeAs you go through life you are going to have many opportunities to keep your mouth shut. Take advantage of all of them.
Wise something to hope forThree grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
Wise Success lies not in the resultSuccess lies not in the result but in the effort. Being the best is NOT at all important, doing the best is all that matters!
Wise A thousand disappointments in theA thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it.