Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from you your happiness. Life is too short to put up with fools!Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Being a good person is likeBeing a good person is like a goal keeper. No matter how many goals you save, people will remember only that you missed.
Wise Listen to your elders adviceListen to your elders advice not because they’re always right, But because they have more experiences of being wrong!
Wise Love and ideas are no one’sLove and ideas are no one’s personal property. They belong to a person who expresses them in the best way!
Wise If a problem can be solvedIf a problem can be solved then there’s no need for worrying, And if a problem cannot be solved then what’s the use of worrying!
Wise Worries and Tensions are like birdsWorries and Tensions are like birds. We cannot stop them from flying near us, But we can certainly stop them from making nest on our head!
Wise When you feel God is rubbing youWhen you feel God is rubbing you against the rocks, don’t think that you will ruin down to dust, it’s just that he is polishing a gem, because you are precious!