Once all village People decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayers all assembled, only one boy came with an umbrella. That’ called Confidence.Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Sometimes we put wallsSometimes we put walls around our heart, not just to be safe from getting hurt, but to find out who cares enough to break the walls and get closer.
Wise Time decides who you meetTime decides who you meet in life, Your heart decides whom you want in life, And your behavior decides who will stay in your life.
Wise Don’t make life’s critical decisionDon’t make life’s critical decision on the basis of your mood. A mood is a dangerous state of mind because it can crush reason under the weight of feeling.
Wise If you can’t read the eyes whichIt’s not your mistake if you can’t read the eyes which cheats you but it’s really your mistake if you can’t read the eyes which cares you. Good Day!
Wise Where there is a struggleWhere there is a struggle, there is a story, Where there is belief, there are miracles, And where there is truth, there is victory!
Wise One should change one’s mindOne should change one’s mind to solve a problem. Because one cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it!