You are three people:1)The one you think you are….[BODY] 2)The one others think you are….MIND] 3)The one you really are….[DIVINE]Wise Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageWise SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Wise Don’t complain about othersDon’t complain about others, Just change yourself. Because it’s easy to protect your feet with slippers rather than carpeting the whole earth.
Wise A true and practical thought of lifeA true and practical thought of life: When you are up in the life, your friends know who you are and when you are down, you know who are your friends.
Wise A leaf which falls from a treeA leaf which falls from a tree goes wherever wind takes it. Be the wind to drive others, not the leaf to be driven by others.
Wise If you love someoneIf you love someone, but your someone loves someone, you be the same someone like before, because time’ll come that your someone will realise, that you are not just someone, but you are the one.
Wise Tears are prayers tooIt’s OK to cry when You are in pain. Remember, tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can’t speak.
Wise When we can’t laugh againWhen we can’t laugh again on the same joke, Then why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain!