You can buy gifts, but not love. you can pretend to smile, but not happy. you can lie to others, but not to yourself. you can have many friends, but none as sweet as me.Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship A single candle can illuminate anA single candle can illuminate an entire room, But a true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for being the bright light of our friendship!
Friendship Friends are a promiseFriends are a promise made in the heart.. Silent.. Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance… Unchangeable by time. It’s lovely to have you as one!
Friendship My care for friends will beMy care for friends will be in my heart and not just in my words, My anger for them will only be in my words and not in my heart!
Friendship When things go badWhen things go bad and your strength is no longer enough to carry on don’t give up, because where your strength ends my worth as your Friend begins.
Friendship When does a Friend become a BestWhen does a Friend become a Best Friend? When his dialouge, ‘I care for you’ converts into ‘I will kill if you don’t care for me.’
Friendship I had you in my heartTime might lead me to nowhere, Fate might break me apart, I’ll always be thankful that once, along my life’s journey I had you in my heart.