A lover makes you realise, ‘how wonderful the world is’, but its a friend who makes you realise, ‘how wonderful you are!’Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship A friendship is sweet whenA friendship is sweet when it’s new but it is sweeter when it’s true! But you know what? It’s the sweetest when the friend is you.
Friendship Sugar melts in waterScience has proved that Sugar melts in water, so please don’t walk in rain, otherwise I will lose such a SWEET friend like you.
Friendship Friends are like Street Lights alongFriends are like Street Lights along the road. They don’t make the distance any shorter, but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.
Friendship Friendship begins with youWords begin with ABC, numbers begin with 123, music begins with do, re, mi and friendship begins with you and ME!
Friendship True friends are those who careTrue friends are those who care without hesitation, remember without limitation, forgive without any explanation and love even with little communication!
Friendship To love without conditionTo love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend like You!