A real friend is the one who’ll try to pick you up when you have fallen, And if he can’t pick you up, he’ll lie down right beside you!Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship Friends are a promiseFriends are a promise made in the heart.. Silent.. Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance… Unchangeable by time. It’s lovely to have you as one!
Friendship I call it lovely FRIENDSHIPSmall Anger, Silly Fights, Simple messages, Serious Jokes, Sensitive Feelings, Senseless Talk, People think it’s MADNESS. But, I call it lovely FRIENDSHIP!
Friendship Somewhere is thinking of youFriends may be old, Friends may be new, Real friends are very few. So whenever you are feeling lonely, Remember someone somewhere is thinking of you!
Friendship To love without conditionTo love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend like You!
Friendship Life stops when you stopLife stops when you stop dreaming, Hope ends when you stop believing, Love ends when you stop caring, Friendship ends when you stop sharing.
Friendship What’s the most beautiful feelingWhat’s the most beautiful feeling in this world? . .. … …. When you are trying to look at your friend, and you find that your friend is already looking at you. Location: Examination Hall