There are four Parts in a Heart:
1/4 Papa
1/4 Mom
1/4 God
1/4 Love
What about a friend?
Sorry, No place for a friend in the heart, because You are a heart beat!
A mind could remember someone for a while, On feet, we could walk easily for a mile, A new fashion won’t forever be in style, But having you as a friend would forever be worthwhile!
A best friend knows when you are sad, A best friend knows when you are mad, A best friend knows when you are crying, A best friend knows when you are lying!
Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stand, the harder it is to leave. And even if you leave, you always leave your footprints behind.
Friendship is when you have had a huge fight, deciding once for all… ‘That’s it’, but then you decide to put aside your egos, hold hands and say, I Need you…