Friends are like the walls of a house.
Sometimes they hold you up,
Sometimes you lean on them,
Sometimes, they protect you from adversities,
But sometimes, it’s enough to know they’re just standing by!
Thanks for being by my wall!
I cherish you so much that even when I have F: Failures and R: Rejections, I I: Inform it to you which helps E: End my N: Nervousness and D: Dilemma. I pride in our friendship!
Art of friendship is like playing a musical instrument. First you must learn to play by rules and then you must forget the rules and play from your Heart.
What’s the most beautiful feeling in this world? . .. … …. When you are trying to look at your friend, and you find that your friend is already looking at you. Location: Examination Hall
A mind could remember someone for a while, On feet, we could walk easily for a mile, A new fashion won’t forever be in style, But having you as a friend would forever be worthwhile!