I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends, I’m surrounded by angels but I call them my friends. Thanks for being my angel!Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship A pair of good friends are likeA pair of good friends are like a pair of scissors. Sometimes close, sometimes far, But always connected and will destroy anyone who comes between them!
Friendship Mirrors don’t lieDear Friend, I am blessed to have you both as my MIRROR as well as my SHADOW, Because Mirrors don’t lie and Shadows never leave!
Friendship My relationship is not like RainMy relationship is not like Rain which comes and goes away, it’s like Air. Sometimes silent but always around you.
Friendship If time slips away without a wordIf time slips away without a word from me, you don’t have to worry about our friendship because feelings, beyond words, will always keep me AROUND!
Friendship When god open the windowsWhen god open the windows of heaven, He saw me and asked what is your wish today? I said god take care of the dear one, Who is reading this message.
Friendship Love is like a chewing gumLove is like a chewing gum, it tastes only in the beginning, But friendship is like a chocolate, it tastes till it ends!