Life is like a cotton. Don’t make it heavier by dipping it in the water of sorrow, But make it lighter by blowing it in the joy of air. Good Morning!Good Morning Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageGood Morning SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Good Morning A determination changes everythingA desire changes nothing, A decision changes something, But a determination changes everything! GOOD MORNING!
Good Morning Fresh scents in the morningsAs flowers open with fresh scents in the mornings, so does the hands of God with new blessings. May you receive them today and always. Good Morning!
Good Morning Your mind is a gardenYour mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds, You can either grow flowers or you can grow weeds! Good Morning!
Good Morning The greatest happiness of lifeThe greatest happiness of life is the conviction, that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather… loved in spite of ourselves! Good Morning!
Good Morning Good Morning and be positiveFailures are part of life, If you don’t fail, you don’t learn, If you don’t learn you’ll never change. Good Morning and be positive!
Good Morning The plus symbol is made withThe plus symbol is made with two minus symbols. So all Negative things can be shaped as Positives by our Positive thinking! have a lovely morning!