Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love, because sun rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after Death.
Friends are like films. Some are hilarious, Some are good action, Some are really romantic, And yet some are full of tragedy. But a very few are like you, simply non-sense!
Most of the things we desire in life are expensive, But the truth is that the things that really satisfy us are absolutely free, Love, Joy, Laughter and Friends.
Teachers are pure water, Parents are holy water, Enemies are salt water, Lovers are hot water, Spouses are cold water, But friends are liquor bottle. They’re always around, may it be happiness or sadness!
Special relations are hard to find. They are rare and one of a kind. I don’t care if I have few, I’m damn proud that I have the best and that includes you.