Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love, because sun rises in the east and sets in the west but friendship rises in the heart and sets after Death.Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship Beautiful friendship sayingBeautiful friendship saying: Life can give us a number of beautiful friends, But, Only True Friends can give us a Beautiful Life.
Friendship Spend few secondsAlways try to spend few seconds with your friends even if you are busy, Because one day you can get free time, But not your friends back.
Friendship A friend is one special person whoA friend is one special person who can pull out a happy tear from your eye, Even if you don’t have a tear to cry!
Friendship I thank the Lord for the giftI thank the Lord for the gift of friendship where I can be myself and be accepted as I am and for finding a home in the heart of a friend.
Friendship Friends are like puzzle piecesFriends are like puzzle pieces. If one piece is lost, it can never be replaced, And that puzzle will never get completed!
Friendship Happiness requires two thingsHappiness requires two things: A friend to laugh with, And a friend to laugh at! Thanks for being one of them!