Lips are like friends.
If we say WORK, STUDY, READ, WRITE, they never meet,
But if we say PARTY, PICNIC, BUNK, PLAY, they meet immediately.
Just try it!
FRIEND in different languages: Persian: Rafiq German: Freund Latin: Amicus Arabic: Sadiqi Hindi: Dost Punjabi: Yaar Hebrew: Chaver French: Ton Ami Dutch: Vriend Spanish: Amigo For me, just simply YOU!
Don’t keep your special friends in your Eyes, they may fall as Tears. Keep them in your Heart so that every Heartbeat reminds you that there is always someone special for you! Dear friend, thanks for making my heart healthy by being in it!
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation You have had.
Sometimes in life we tend to run so fast that we don’t notice friends running with us, we only notice them when we fall and they are there to hold us. So run, as I am there to hold you.