The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time because when you give someone your time, you have given them a portion of your life that you will never get back.
We smile at whom we like, we cry for whom we care, we laugh with whom we enjoy and we become angry with whom we feel is our own. That’s Friendship, that’s Love
Money is a Small Coin, Health is a Big Coin, Love is a Lucky Coin, Happiness is a Sweet Coin, But Friendship is a Gold Coin. So always keep it safe and secured!
Teachers are pure water, Parents are holy water, Enemies are salt water, Lovers are hot water, Spouses are cold water, But friends are liquor bottle. They’re always around, may it be happiness or sadness!
Ice is a cream, love is a dream but are friendship is evergreen. Don’t make friends before understanding and don’t break a friendship after misunderstanding