People vanish, people die, People laugh and people cry, Some give up, some will try, Some say hi, while some say bye, Others may forget, but never will I.Friendship Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFriendship SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Friendship World needs YOU after allHey friend, remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom and without ugliness there can be no beauty so the world needs YOU after all!
Friendship Hope you are fineDays are too Busy, Hours are too Few, Seconds are too Fast, but there is always time for me to ask: How are you? and Hope you are fine. Miss you!
Friendship God created me to be your friendGod created me to be your friend. He picked me out from all the rest because He knows… I am well one of the best. Ahem!!! Don’t argue with God now!
Friendship If time slips away without a wordIf time slips away without a word from me, you don’t have to worry about our friendship because feelings, beyond words, will always keep me AROUND!
Friendship I would really miss youI want you to know that your friendship mean’s alot to me. If we were on a sinking boat and there’s only 1 lifejacket… I would really miss you.
Friendship We meet 3 types of friendsWe meet 3 types of friends in our lifetime: 1. Friends for a reason 2. Friends for a season 3. Friends for a lifetime