Smiling is a sign of Good Mood,
Laughing is a sign of Happiness,
Praying is sign of Good Faith,
And having a friend is a sign of God’s Blessings!
Thanks for being my friend!
I cherish you so much that even when I have F: Failures and R: Rejections, I I: Inform it to you which helps E: End my N: Nervousness and D: Dilemma. I pride in our friendship!
Relations are to be Respected and not to be Fretted, Friendship is to Make, not to Break, What we have is only Godsend, But the one who always stays is a Friend!
Life means missing expected things and facing unexpected things. When you are right, no one remembers, but when you are wrong, no one forgets. Don’t worry! I’m here to remember your rights and forget your wrongs.