To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all, But to believe in the unseen is both a triumph and a blessing. Good Morning!Good Morning Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageGood Morning SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Good Morning When people speak against youWhen people speak against you, don’t react immediately, They are just like water bubbles with nothing inside it. Good Morning!
Good Morning One must learn the art of sayingPeople often feel something but express something else, They mean something but say something else. one must learn the art of saying nothing in such a way that it leaves nothing unsaid. Good Morning!
Good Morning Learn to live In the presentLearn to live In the present. Because no amount of can change the past and no amount of worry can change the future. Good morning!
Good Morning If your eyes are positiveIf your eyes are positive, you will love the world, But if your tongue is positive, the world will love you. Rise and Shine!
Good Morning Fresh scents in the morningsAs flowers open with fresh scents in the mornings, so does the hands of God with new blessings. May you receive them today and always. Good Morning!
Good Morning Success will never lower itsSuccess will never lower its standard to accommodate us, we have to raise our standard to achieve it. Good Morning!