Nothing is old, nothing is new, It just a matter of point of view, Enjoy life as happy days are few, Because if life is like an ocean, Then happy moments are like dew!Life Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageLife SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Life When I jokeMy life’s irony: When I joke, people take it seriously, And when I am serious, people take it as a joke!
Life A beautiful sayingA beautiful saying: The past is to prove that no one is perfect and the future is to prove that everyone can change.
Life Life is about taking chancesLife is about taking chances, Losing and finding happiness, Appreciating the memories, Learning from the past, And realizing people change.
Life You are the CEO of your lifeEvaluate the people in your life, then promote, demote, or terminate. You are the CEO of your life.
Life A good life is when you assumeA good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are!
Life Life is too short to worry aboutLife is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. So have fun and give them something to talk about.