Whenever I miss you, I won’t look for you in my dreams or try to hear your voice in your messages I’ll just put my right hand across my chest and will feel You!
I gonna write I MISS you on all the bricks and I really wish that one of them falls on your head so that you may know how it hurts when you miss someone special like you!
If you wanna know how much I miss you, try to catch rain drops. The ones you catch is how much you miss me, and the ones you miss is how much I miss you.
The most elastic element of the world is TIME. It maximizes the minutes when we are missing someone special, And minimises the hours when we are with someone special. Missing you!
It’s nice feeling when you know that someone loves you, someone misses you, someone needs you, but it feels much better when you know that someone never forgets you.
I am neither that sweet that you get diabetes, Nor am I that salty that you get High BP, I am even not that tasty that you get joy, But I am not that sour even that you don’t even remember me. Missing you babe!