Life is a game that you have to play with a number of other players. If you’ll not play with them, they’ll play with you!Life Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageLife SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Life When you get attracted to someoneWhen you get attracted to someone, you’ll realise what is love, But when that someone starts avoiding you, you’ll realise what’s life!
Life Use and enjoy every momentUse and enjoy every moment of life, don’t save it. There is no ‘Courtesy Desk’ for us to go and get a refund on an unused life!
Life Life is too short to worry aboutLife is too short to worry about what others say or think about you. So have fun and give them something to talk about.
Life Life is a stream of beautifullyLife is a stream of beautifully lined up moments. Take a plunge and flow in this stream of precious moments!
Life Choice, Chance and ChangeLife has 3 Cs: Choice, Chance and Change. You have to make the Choice, To take the Chance, If you want anything to Change!
Life Rich people travel in carsRich people travel in cars, Poor people travel in carts, But royal people like you travel in hearts! please continue your journey…