Past is experience, Present is experiment, Future is expectation! Use your experience in your experiments to get your expectations. Good day!Life Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageLife SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Life Can my day get any worseDear life, When I said, Can my day get any worse?It was a rhetorical question and not a challenge.
Life Choice, Chance and ChangeLife has 3 Cs: Choice, Chance and Change. You have to make the Choice, To take the Chance, If you want anything to Change!
Life Two great teachersLife and Time are the two great teachers. Life teaches you the use of Time, And Time teaches you the value of Life!
Life Life is not a music playerLife is not a music player to listen to your favourite songs, It is more like a Radio. One must adjust oneself to every frequency and thus enjoy whatever is being played on it!
Life I asked lifeI asked life, Why are you so difficult? Life smiled and said, You people never appreciate easy things.
Life If you think positivelyIf you think positively, Sound becomes music, Movement becomes dance, Smile becomes laughter, Mind becomes meditation, And life becomes a celebration.