Three solutions to every problem: Accept it, change it, leave it. If you can’t accept it, change it. If you can’t change it, leave it.Life Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageLife SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Life Use and enjoy every momentUse and enjoy every moment of life, don’t save it. There is no ‘Courtesy Desk’ for us to go and get a refund on an unused life!
Life Rich people travel in carsRich people travel in cars, Poor people travel in carts, But royal people like you travel in hearts! please continue your journey…
Life Sometimes you are unsatisfiedSometimes you are unsatisfied with your life, While many people in this world are dreaming of living your life.
Life Life is the most difficult examLife is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others – Not realising that everyone has a different question paper!
Life Two steps of happy and successfulWonderful lines about life: Minimum requirements and maximum adjustments are the two steps of happy and successful life.
Life The best things in life are freeThe best things in life are free. Family, Friends, Smiles, Hugs, Kisses, Nature, Oxygen, Love, Sleep and Good Memories…