How can you tell the rain not to fall when clouds exist? How can you tell the leaves not to fall when the wind exists? How can you tell me not to fall in love when you exist?
You want and you get, that’s luck, you want and you wait, that’s time. you want but you compromise, that’s life. And you want and you wait and you don’t compromise that’s LOVE.
I LOVE YOU are 3 words, But it takes: three seconds to read, three minutes to think, three hours to understand, three days to demonstrate, three weeks to explain, And whole life to prove it!
I don’t care how many lips you have kissed, how many shoulders you have embraced and how many times you have said, I love You! All I care is not be the first but to be your last!
If Roses were Black and violets were brown, my love for you would never be found but roses are red and violets are blue, all I want to say is I love You!
It hurts when you need just a piece of love and there is nobody to give it. It hurts even more when you have an ocean of love and there is nobody to receive it.
It’s funny how big of an impact you have on me. It’s like when I see you, you don’t even have to speak all you can do is smile and it can make my day and that’s how I remember my reasons for loving you.