If you are in love, accept it, respect it and enjoy it. But if you are not, then don’t worry because someone, somewhere must be wrapping up so much love for you.
The human brain is the most outstanding thing. It functions 24 hrs and 365 days. It functions right from the time you were born until you fall in love.
People fall in love not knowing why or how. It’s so special a feeling that it doesn’t require much answers. you just love no matter how stupid you become.
Everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated. So be sure to tell those you love that you love them. You may never know how much they need to hear it. Love you, sweetheart! Now, today, tomorrow and always!
I like you but I hate you. I miss you but I’m better off without you. I want you out of my life but I never want you out of my heart. I might be crossed with you now but I’ll always love you!